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Frequently asked questions

We've put together this FAQ document to get you started on your VideoAsk journey. If you still can't find exactly what you're looking for, please reach out to our support team by hitting the Contact Support button at the bottom of this page.

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The basics

Account settings and device use

Creating and sharing videoasks

Plans and usage

Videoask responses

Terms and conditions

The basics

What is VideoAsk?

VideoAsk is a simple and effective way to get closer to your audience. Record a video straight from your phone or computer, share the link, then wait for the responses to roll in and get the conversation flowing.

How does VideoAsk work?

Record yourself asking a question (or multiple), and then send that as a videoask to your audience. People can open the videoask, and answer you using video, audio, or text (as well as other options like multiple-choice or calendar selection), from their chosen device. All the answers are saved in your VideoAsk account for you to view and reply to at your leisure, via video.
Here's a full guide to making a videoask.

How can I sign up for VideoAsk?

You can sign up using the link at the top of this page, or just click here. All you need is an email address to get started with a free account.

Do you offer any discounts?

We sure do! We offer non-profit, educator, and student discounts. Find out more here.

Account settings and device use

What kind of devices can I use?

You can create videoasks using our web app on your Windows, Mac computer, or Android device. You can also use our native iPhone app to create videoasks and view responses, and our Android app to view responses and reply to respondents.

What browsers are supported?

Your respondents can answer videoasks directly on all major browsers with the exception of Internet Explorer.

There may also be some caveats on Safari and Chrome on iOS (which doesn't support audio recording on versions earlier than 14.4).

Safari desktop doesn't always give you access to all cameras and microphones connected to your device.

Safari iOS and some Android custom browsers will default to the native camera app for video uploads.

However, you can switch on 'Streamed Recording' which enables Safari to record video directly inside the browser.

How long can a VideoAsk be?

Each videoask step can be up to 5 minutes long (unless you upload your own video in which case it can be any length as long as the file size is no larger than 500 MB when using a web browser. If you're using our iOS app, you can upload files of up to 2 GB).

Respondents that answer your videoask have by default 2 minutes of recording time per step. If you are on a paid plan, you can increase the answer length to up to 5 minutes.

How many devices can I sign into VideoAsk from at the same time?

However many you like! There's no maximum number or limit. 

Creating and sharing videoasks

Can I send multiple questions to people?

Yes! You can create a multi-step videoask with sequential questions, or add conditional logic to route respondents to different steps in your videoask or to different web pages based on their multiple-choice answers.

How can I share my videoask?

There are various ways to share your videoask. Each one you create has its own unique URL, and anyone who clicks on that link can answer your videoask for as long as it's live.
You can also embed a videoask on your website as an iframe or as a widget. Learn more about sharing your videoask.

Can I remove VideoAsk branding?

Yes, you can remove VideoAsk branding and add your own if you're signed up to our Brand plan.

What tools do you integrate with?

We integrate with a whole host of other tools and apps to help automate your workflow. Check out this full list of VideoAsk integrations.

Can I upload a still image to a videoask step?

No, VideoAsk does not support still images and all steps must include a video. However, you can choose to upload a video from our Giphy or Pexel library if you don't want to record yourself on camera! This could be something very neutral like a block of color with some overlay text.

Here's an example of a videoask step with a video from our Pexel library:


You can find more information here.

Plans and usage

How are my minutes calculated?

We count minutes towards your plan any time you, a team member, or your respondents record or upload a video or audio file. Video playback is not counted towards your usage and is unlimited.

For example, let's say you create a 1-minute video and share it with 3 respondents who each respond to you with a 1-minute video reply. In total, you'll have used 4 minutes of your monthly processing time from this interaction.

If you'd like more information about your minutes and usage, take a look at our article on checking your current usage and managing your plan.

Note: Processing minutes are counted by the second. We convert the total count of seconds into minutes (rounded down to the nearest full minute) when displaying your usage in your Plan & Billing area.

What happens if I go over my minutes?

If you exceed your available processing minutes, respondents can still submit video/audio responses to your videoasks. However, you won't be able to view these submissions until you either upgrade your plan to get more minutes or wait for the start of the next billing cycle when your minutes reset.

Each billing cycle, your processing counter will reset based on the date you signed up or subscribed. It's important to note that any unused minutes will not carry over to the next cycle.

If you exceed your allotted minutes during a billing cycle, these overages are not billed as an extra charge. Instead, these overages are deducted from your available minutes in the next billing cycle. This means if you exceed your limit, the extra minutes used will reduce the number of minutes available to you in the following billing cycle

How do I upgrade/downgrade my account?

You can change your plan at any time from within your Account & Org settings under Plan & Billing. Learn more about how to change your plan.

If I delete a videoask/videoask response, do I recuperate some of my minutes?

Unfortunately not. We count minutes every time we have to transcode (ie compress and save) a video or audio file because that's where we pay the most costs on our end. This means that once the video file has been recorded or uploaded, you can use it however many times you like (without it counting towards your minutes), but you won't get any minutes back if you delete it.

Videoask responses

Can a respondent view their videos once they have sent them?

A respondent can re-record their reply as many times as they like until they're happy with it, but once they've sent it they won't be able to view it until the creator of the videoask replies to them.

Once they receive a reply, they'll get an email notification with the option to view the entire conversation (including any videos they've sent).

Do respondents need to complete my videoask in one sitting?

Yes. If a respondent starts answering a videoask but doesn't complete it, it will time out after about an hour and their place won't be saved.

We recommend making sure your respondents have plenty of time and are distraction-free before responding to your videoask.

Do respondents need a VideoAsk account to respond to a videoask?

No. Anyone can respond to a videoask without creating a VideoAsk account.

Can I see the answers for partially submitted videoasks?

Yes. If the videoask has timed out or a respondent clicked out of the browser before completing it, any answers to steps they already completed will be submitted to the videoask creator, but their place won't be saved. In this case, respondents who want to complete the video will have to go from the start of the videoask again.

Terms and conditions

What companies does VideoAsk share data with?

Take a look at this article for a list of the companies we share data with.

Is VideoAsk GDPR compliant?

Yes, we are. To learn more, take a look at our Terms and Conditions.

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